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Kód: 39179231


Odošleme do 10 dní.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 7.4.2023
EAN: 0737934998614 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 52.52 €

Frequwncia Mod was a vocal trio formed by the sisters Dolores, Soledad and Patricia García, which imposed on radios and nightclubs at least three singles of enormous popularity: 'Cállate (Ya No Me Mientas),' 'Duele, Duele' and 'Yo Soy Una Dama.' The band started as a family and adolescent project, with the four García sisters (Macarena left soon after) rehearsing in the family living room under the orders of their father, who had no problem in taking over as their manager and promoting the musical career of his daughters, who had not yet finished high school. Their first name was Las Incógnitas ("because they were unknown", according to them) and they reinforced it by performing under masks. Their recitals highlighted a strong stage organization, which always included dance steps and vocal harmonization. Kermesses and school festivals were their first showcases, which soon expanded with tours to the provinces. The girls received dance lessons from Paco Mairena and agreed on flashy outfits, indebted to the provocative New York disco wave that was already known in Chile. The enormous success of their music led them to foreign promotions that left them for a while in Germany, thanks to an exclusive RCA contract. However, in Europe it was impossible for them to keep the attention, and the group disbanded in the mid-'80s. The García sisters have lived in Germany ever since, and have made very sporadic visits to Chile. Originally released in 1973.

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