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EAN: 0600753515884 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: VINYL

Popis - RED [VINYL]:
Produced by the hit-making machine of Sly & Robbie in 1981, 'Red' ensured Black Uhuru's standing as the heirs apparent to Bob Marley & The Wailers. Featuring the classic line-up of Michael Rose, Sandra 'Puma' Jones and Derek 'Duckie' Simpson, the album features some of the hardest hitting hits of the original, early 1980's Dancehall era, including such seminal masterpieces as 'Youth Of Eglington' and 'Sponji Reggae'.

Black Uhuru - Aktuality:

5.5. - TV: Hudební tipy 19. týden

5.3. - Do Bratislavy príde spevák Gavinchi z jamajského Kingstonu

29.4. - Reggae Ethnic Session meets RealBeat

27.1. - Spojení festivalů Reggae Ethnic Session a RealBeat

7.5. - Lucernou zaduní reggae, dancehall a R&B v podání Sizzly

29.4. - Dandy Warhols na Colours of Ostrava 2008

3.8. - Red Bull Music Academy 2007 v Torontu začína

16.7. - Sázavafest letos na šesti scénách

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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