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Kód: 36812543


Dodanie trvá 12 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 4.4.2019
EAN: 2090504766104 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 22.08 €

Popis - GOLD:
This is the amazing case of The Gold. A case of joyful alchemy that pays homage to The New York Dolls, Johnny Thunders and the
Heartbreakers, The Rolling Stones or The Stooges...simply, embracing the spontaneous energy of rock and roll. In these times of pre-cooked, tired and stale fashions offering few surprises, their rawness is appreciated and needed. There is no other group like The Gold.

Gold Panda - Aktuality:

21.11. - Dam Mantle zahrá na release party Ink Midget, Aches a Dead Janitor už tento piatok vo Fuge

4.10. - Festival Waves Vienna štartuje už dnes

21.2. - EuroConnections: Gold Panda, Dark Captain Light Captain i Laetitia Sadier ze Stereolab

21.2. - Pandí talisman pro štěstí

31.1. - Gold Panda zve do Akropole na elektronické minisymfonie

20.1. - Únorové Euroconnections v Paláci Akropolis rozhýbe velký britský objev Gold Panda.

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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