2015. - Viuluni Laulua Soutaa,Ken Soi Lapsen Lattialta?,Ammankuolema,Kuku Kaki,Metsaan On Iaksi Mieli,Tule Hiidesta Hevonen,Leppayoo Loyly,Joki,The Boxer
2015. Oceanwake?s debut album ?Kingdom? gathered positive, in some cases even raving reviews. It captured very well the essence of their formative years, when they naturally were a new band in search of their own fo..
1991. Šesté studiové album maďarské folk-metalové skupiny. Texty se odvíjí od maďarských legend a bájí. - Outro,Leszek a Hold (feat. Jonne Järvelä),Leszek a Csillag,A Hadak Útja,Kinizsi Mulatsága,Igazi Tűz,Mennyei ..
2020. Siberian Nordic ritual folk band Nytt Land opens a new chapter with the 6th album 'Cvlt' to take you on a mystic travel-path of shamans. Ritual songs of ancient Siberia and Scandinavia in an atmospheric mix of..
2020. Siberian Nordic ritual folk band Nytt Land opens a new chapter with the 6th album 'Cvlt' to take you on a mystic travel-path of shamans. Ritual songs of ancient Siberia and Scandinavia in an atmospheric mix of..