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Kód: 39386672


Dodanie trvá 8 týždňov.

EAN: 5063176019820 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 21.38 €

Popis - DENS:
'Dens' concludes a trilogy of albums, aptly spelling out the
last third of the group's name. And true to form, the band
turns inwards rather than outwards, drawing on deep shades of
ambient, slowcore and the ghost of Mark Hollis. While
maintaining its psychedelic edge, the trio weaves the lines
between genres in a way that's becoming a signature of its own.
Engineered by Jonas Munk & produced by Jakob Skott, the album
culls hours of free improvisation into a coherent size.
Seamless edits and studio wizardry enhance the feeling of an
almost narrative nature as the album progresses.

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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