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Kód: 39365977


Na sklade u dodávateľa 5 ks
Dodanie trvá 3 týždne.

EAN: 5050580809031 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 20.70 €

Popis - NOTTWO:
Gusstaff Records and Ant-Zen are proud to announce the second solo album by Maciej Frett (Job Karma, Wroclaw Industrial Festival), which is vocally supported by Anna Frett. After Frett's 2020 debut 'The World As A Hologram' was well received by fans and critics, it's time for the follow-up 'Nottwo'. Musically, 'Nottwo' is a continuation of the first heavily rhythmic album, but this time Frett gives many compositions an almost song-like structure, with post-punk and industrial influences, analog retro futuristic synth melodies and strong rhythms.

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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