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Kód: 39365624


Dodanie trvá 6 týždňov.

EAN: 3760347748382 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 27.40 €

Popis - DIRE:
With this album, Idrissa Soumaoro pays tribute to Diré, the town where he met his wife and where his first daughter, who is no longer with us, was born. In 1971, after his studies at the INA in Bamako, Idrissa was transferred to Diré to teach music at the IPEG (Pedagogical Institute of General Education). He was 22 years old when he arrived in Diré. Idrissa has always been nostalgic for this beautiful place in the 333 Saints
of Timbuktu region. In the difficult situation Mali is living today, the town of Diré has become a symbol of hope for peace. Indeed, with this work, Idrissa Soumaoro reflects deeply on peace, brotherhood, and reconciliation in Mali. The album was initiated by Marc-Antoine Moreau, who revealed to the world the talent of Amadou and Mariam who were introduced by Idrissa Soumaoro in the group "Eclipse de l'I.J.A."

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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