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Kód: 39363765


Dodanie trvá 3 týždne.

Dátum vydania: 13.10.2023
EAN: 0656605159621 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 3 dodávatelia, od 26.10 €

One of the things that struck Bright Eyes frontman Conor Oberst as he and the band went through twenty-plus years of music is that he may in fact have been writing the same song this whole time. Not sonically, of course, but conceptually. On 'Noise Floor', the sound of early Bright Eyes songs appeared so raw, Oberst never even released them back in the day, as well as on 'Cassadaga' and 'The People's Key', the band's most polished and sophisticated albums.

Bright Eyes - Aktuality:

17.8. - Conor Oberst z americké kapely Bright Eyes: Nikdy jsme se nesnažili zalíbit

28.8. - Nové desky 33/2020 - od The Killers přes Nase po Tima McGrawa

28.8. - Nová alba: The Killers, Erasure a Bright Eyes

27.4. - Bright Eyes se ve "Forced Convalescence" spojili s Fleou a Johnem Theodorem

21.2. - Na comeback Bright Eyes se můžeme těšit i u nás

5.1. - The Bright Eye: “Nahraj si sám, urob si sám…”

2.7. - Vedder i Casablancas chcú hudbou pomôcť mladým bezdomovcom

15.6. - Bright Eyes vydávají živé EP

13.6. - Videotip: Pozrite si nový klip Bright Eyes

1.3. - Kruh se uzavírá: RfP přidává Bright Eyes, Keleho z Bloc Party a trio Johna Butlera

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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