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 LIVE… BOSTON 1972 -
Kód: 39262217


Dodanie trvá 8 týždňov.

EAN: 5053792513116 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - LIVE… BOSTON 1972:
The Kinks live from the Orpheum Theater, Boston, MA 11th November 1972. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of The Kinks in the pantheon of modern music. With its quintessentially English lyricism and style, the band has blazed a trail for so many artists that came after, influencing a diverse range of bands including Blondie, The Ramones, The Jam, Van Halen, and Brit pop acts like Blur and Oasis. True innovators, The Kinks virtually invented the power chord with the classic 'You Really Got Me'; the band also pioneered
the concept album, with 'Arthur' in 1969. Over three decades, The Kinks released 24 studio albums, and four live albums. The band achieved 17 Top 20 singles in the UK and five Top 10 singles on the US Billboard chart. This concert - the final night of four nights at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston on 12 November 1972 - features the band at the top of its game.
Professionally remastered, original WBCN-FM broadcast,
complete with informative liner notes and archival imagery.

01. Top Of The Pops

Kinks - Aktuality:

30.9. - VIDEO: The Kinks lákají na antologii 'The Journey - Pt. 2' klipem k dosud nevydanému songu 'Everybody's a Star (Starmaker)'

2.1. - Zemřel John Gosling, bývalý klávesista The Kinks

24.10. - UGLY KID JOE novým albem vzdávají hold JUDAS PRIEST i THE KINKS

7.2. - 9 písniček na míru Star Wars

19.7. - Album chystají také The Kinks

15.7. - The Kinks jsou po dvaadvaceti letech zpět

22.1. - Zomrel basgitarista skupiny Kinks Jim Rodford

6.11. - Kinks po rokoch spolu

11.12. - Čitatelia Rolling Stone si zvolili najkrajšiu vianočnú pieseň

14.4. - Ray Davies bude příští týden projednávat reunion The Kinks

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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