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Kód: 39204133


Dodanie trvá 8 týždňov.

EAN: 0664140901728 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - QUILL:
The biggest claim to fame for the band Quill was their appearance at the legendary Woodstock festival. They released only one album in 1970 on Cotillion Records, a mixture of late sixties psychedelia and the Boston sound from that era. It has been a coveted collectors item for decades and is almost impossible to find. Now on compact disc! Incorporating the original album cover artwork, fans will be elated with this release.

The Quill - Aktuality:

11.10. - Podľa filmu Strážcovia galaxie vznikne animovaný seriál

15.3. - Monster Magnet 22. března v Paláci Akropolis

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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