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Kód: 39153255


Odošleme do 10 dní.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 11.11.2022
EAN: 7427252014594 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 41.06 €

Fuzz guitars, organ, celestial vocal harmonies, a single effort and then... eternity (or obscurity if you look at the other side of the coin). In 1968 leader Richard Atkins -Richard Manning his artistic partner and co-writer, hence the name- was building toward success, his musical adventures and philosophy not that far from the likes of The Byrds or the more eccentric Simon & Garfunkel. He'd won a contract with Mercury Records, and recorded with the Wrecking Crew members, a group of Los Angeles session musicians famous for their work with the Beach Boys, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, and hundreds more. But stage fright triggered a disastrous make-or-break performance in a small Hollywood nightclub, and everything abruptly fell apart. Atkins gave up music in the prime, and for 50 years he refused even to listen to a radio, so painful were his memories of a career he was convinced could have been. Featuring top-notch backing from musicians such as Drake Levin (Paul Revere & the Raiders), Larry Knechtel (Bread), Mark Tulin (the Electric Prunes) and Rusty Young (Poco), the album -nonetheless- it's bound to appeal to all fans of high-quality early '70s US pop-rock. In 2017 the short history of this unlucky but brilliant combo was featured in a short animated movie of 10 minutes!

Richard Müller - Aktuality:

25.9. - Richard Müller sa oženil s dlhoročnou partnerkou Vandou Wolfovou. Pre fanúšikov chystá album duetov

20.9. - Ben Cristovao vydává kosmopolitní album Spektrum. Spolupracoval s Kollerem i Richardem Müllerem

20.9. - Na nové desce Bena Cristovao Spektrum zpívají David Koller, Richard Müller i Anna Vaverková

6.8. - Zemřel slovenský textař Daniel Mikletič, pro Müllera napsal hit Po schodoch

4.8. - Zomrel autor legendárneho hitu „Po schodoch “. Spolupracoval s menami, ako Jana Kirschner, Polemic, či Richard Müller

5.8. - Zemřel Daniel Mikletič, autor textu písně Po schodoch

4.6. - David Koller a Richard Müller vzdají na Prague Sounds poctu Karlu Krylovi, na festivalu zahrají i Branford Marsalis a Nubya Garcia

4.6. - Albumy Bioelektrovízia a Druhá doba?! skupiny Banket vychádzajú v reedícii na vinyle a CD

12.5. - Skladba na tento deň: Keď mali DMS na albume featuring od Richarda Müllera

29.2. - Richard Müller oslávi 40 rokov na hudobnej scéne unikátnym programom!

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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