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Kód: 38947265


Odošleme do 10 dní.

Dátum vydania: 21.10.2022
EAN: 7640159732778 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Brother and sister, Citron Citron is the new revelation of the Geneva underground scene! 'Chagrin Bleu' explores the melancholy of the night and the joy of a flight under the sun.
Songs with transcendent refrains, and synthetic laments with romantic melodies, carried by groove box-like rhythms. An album on the borders of chamber pop, medieval chants and ambient. The lyrics are at times poetic, angry or dreamy. The first sketches of the album were drawn during the first confinement when time was slowing down. The songs were then recorded in a DIY way by the band in their studio in Geneva during the year 2021. The first sessions were recorded on tape with a Tascam 688, then expanded and edited on computer. Some additional recordings
were made with the help of sound engineer Yavor Lilov (L'Éclair) and some guests: Fhunyue Gao on theremin, Sébastien Bui (L'Éclair) for some synth parts. The album was then worked on and mixed with Jacco Gardner in his Antwerp studio. His analogue world allowed the sound of the album to grow and deepen. With his echoes and tape machines, the mix could be approached in an organic and evolutionary way.

Citron - Aktuality:

12.9. - Příběh českého hitu: Michal Penk - O bláznech

30.4. - Citron | Plni energie (LP reedice 2024)

25.4. - George Rain SEBASTIEN pro Bloodstream: „Tehdy jsem byl hodně hubenej, za peníze na svačiny jsem si kupoval desky“

8.3. - Společné turné „Síla návratu“ kapel Citron, Metalinda a Loretta

6.3. - Plni energie kapely CITRON znovu na vinylu!

5.3. - CITRON, METALINDA, LORETTA - 1. 3. 2024, Praha, Meet Factory

17.1. - Zpěvák Sebastien našel angažmá v RockOpeře a po 32 letech usmířil Petra Jandu s Láďou Křížkem

15.1. - Zpěvák SEBASTIEN našel angažmá v Rock Opeře

2.11. - Heavymetalové kapely Citron a Metalinda chystají společné turné Síla návratu

6.11. - CITRON, METALINDA a LORETTA předvedou „Sílu návratů“ na společném jarním turné

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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