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Dátum vydania: 8.3.2010
Žáner: POP
EAN: 0602527247939 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 2
Nosič: CD

Snad nejznámější muzikálová ikona světa, anglický skladatel Andrew Lloyd Webber, uvádí na prkna, která znamenají svět, svoji novou produkci. Dostala název “Love Never Dies“ (Láska nikdy neumírá), a hlavním tématem je opět láska.Zmiňovaný kousek bude mít světovou premiéru 10. března tohoto roku v Londýně a přesně po osmi měsících se následně celá produkce přesune do New Yorku. “Love Never Dies“ je pokračováním legendárního díla “The Phantom Of The Opera“, ve kterém před více než třiadvaceti lety zářila tehdy nepříliš známá Sarah Brightman a též Michael Crawford. Toto přestavení bylo přeloženo do patnácti jazyků, představeno v pětadvaceti zemích světa a celkově ho shlédlo více než sto miliónů diváků.
V nové produkci se představí dvě již osvědčené tváře muzikálových pódií - roli fantóma získal Ramin Karimloo, který se veřejnosti představil například v již zmiňované produkci “Fantóm opery“ nebo v dílech “Miss Saigon“ či “Bídnicí“. Hlavní ženské role se v novém muzikálu ujala krásná Sierra Boggess, která svoji pouť započala jakožto Ariel v muzikále “Malá Mořská Víla“. Nové dílo Andrew Lloyd Webbera, které je podle prvních kritik považováno za to nejlepší, co za poslední dekádu složil, se fanouškům dostane s uvedením v londýnském Adelphi Theatre též na CD.

CD 1:










01. Prologue
02. Prologue
03. Prologue
04. Prologue
05. Prologue
06. Prologue
07. Prologue
08. Prologue
09. Prologue
10. Prologue
11. Prologue
12. The Coney Island Waltz
13. The Coney Island Waltz
14. The Coney Island Waltz
15. The Coney Island Waltz
16. The Coney Island Waltz
17. The Coney Island Waltz
18. The Coney Island Waltz
19. The Coney Island Waltz
20. The Coney Island Waltz
21. The Coney Island Waltz
22. The Coney Island Waltz
23. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
24. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
25. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
26. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
27. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
28. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
29. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
30. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
31. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
32. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
33. That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
34. Heaven By The Sea
35. Heaven By The Sea
36. Heaven By The Sea
37. Heaven By The Sea
38. Heaven By The Sea
39. Heaven By The Sea
40. Heaven By The Sea
41. Heaven By The Sea
42. Heaven By The Sea
43. Heaven By The Sea
44. Heaven By The Sea
45. Only For Him / Only For You
46. Only For Him / Only For You
47. Only For Him / Only For You
48. Only For Him / Only For You
49. Only For Him / Only For You
50. Only For Him / Only For You
51. Only For Him / Only For You
52. Only For Him / Only For You
53. Only For Him / Only For You
54. Only For Him / Only For You
55. Only For Him / Only For You
56. The Ayrie
57. The Ayrie
58. The Ayrie
59. The Ayrie
60. The Ayrie
61. The Ayrie
62. The Ayrie
63. The Ayrie
64. The Ayrie
65. The Ayrie
66. The Ayrie
67. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
68. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
69. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
70. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
71. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
72. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
73. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
74. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
75. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
76. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
77. Till I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ramin
78. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
79. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
80. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
81. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
82. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
83. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
84. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
85. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
86. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
87. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
88. Giry Confronts The Phantom / 'Til I Hear You Sing (Reprise)
89. Christine Disembarks
90. Christine Disembarks
91. Christine Disembarks
92. Christine Disembarks
93. Christine Disembarks
94. Christine Disembarks
95. Christine Disembarks
96. Christine Disembarks
97. Christine Disembarks
98. Christine Disembarks
99. Christine Disembarks
100. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
101. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
102. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
103. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
104. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
105. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
106. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
107. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
108. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
109. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
110. Arrival Of The Trio / Are You Ready To Begin?
111. What A Dreadful Town!...
112. What A Dreadful Town!...
113. What A Dreadful Town!...
114. What A Dreadful Town!...
115. What A Dreadful Town!...
116. What A Dreadful Town!...
117. What A Dreadful Town!...
118. What A Dreadful Town!...
119. What A Dreadful Town!...
120. What A Dreadful Town!...
121. What A Dreadful Town!...
122. Look With Your Heart
123. Look With Your Heart
124. Look With Your Heart
125. Look With Your Heart
126. Look With Your Heart
127. Look With Your Heart
128. Look With Your Heart
129. Look With Your Heart
130. Look With Your Heart
131. Look With Your Heart
132. Look With Your Heart
133. Beneath A Moonless Sky
134. Beneath A Moonless Sky
135. Beneath A Moonless Sky
136. Beneath A Moonless Sky
137. Beneath A Moonless Sky
138. Beneath A Moonless Sky
139. Beneath A Moonless Sky
140. Beneath A Moonless Sky
141. Beneath A Moonless Sky
142. Beneath A Moonless Sky
143. Beneath A Moonless Sky
144. Once Upon Another Time
145. Once Upon Another Time
146. Once Upon Another Time
147. Once Upon Another Time
148. Once Upon Another Time
149. Once Upon Another Time
150. Once Upon Another Time
151. Once Upon Another Time
152. Once Upon Another Time
153. Once Upon Another Time
154. Once Upon Another Time
155. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
156. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
157. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
158. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
159. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
160. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
161. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
162. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
163. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
164. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
165. "Mother Please, I'm Scared!"
166. Dear Old Friend
167. Dear Old Friend
168. Dear Old Friend
169. Dear Old Friend
170. Dear Old Friend
171. Dear Old Friend
172. Dear Old Friend
173. Dear Old Friend
174. Dear Old Friend
175. Dear Old Friend
176. Dear Old Friend
177. Beautiful
178. Beautiful
179. Beautiful
180. Beautiful
181. Beautiful
182. Beautiful
183. Beautiful
184. Beautiful
185. Beautiful
186. Beautiful
187. Beautiful
188. The Beauty Underneath
189. The Beauty Underneath
190. The Beauty Underneath
191. The Beauty Underneath
192. The Beauty Underneath
193. The Beauty Underneath
194. The Beauty Underneath
195. The Beauty Underneath
196. The Beauty Underneath
197. The Beauty Underneath
198. The Beauty Underneath
199. The Phantom Confronts Christine
200. The Phantom Confronts Christine
201. The Phantom Confronts Christine
202. The Phantom Confronts Christine
203. The Phantom Confronts Christine
204. The Phantom Confronts Christine
205. The Phantom Confronts Christine
206. The Phantom Confronts Christine
207. The Phantom Confronts Christine
208. The Phantom Confronts Christine
209. The Phantom Confronts Christine








CD 2:



210. Entr'acte
211. Entr'acte
212. Entr'acte
213. Entr'acte
214. Entr'acte
215. Entr'acte
216. Entr'acte
217. Entr'acte
218. Entr'acte
219. Entr'acte
220. Entr'acte
221. Why Does She Love Me?
222. Why Does She Love Me?
223. Why Does She Love Me?
224. Why Does She Love Me?
225. Why Does She Love Me?
226. Why Does She Love Me?
227. Why Does She Love Me?
228. Why Does She Love Me?
229. Why Does She Love Me?
230. Why Does She Love Me?
231. Why Does She Love Me?
232. Devil Take The Hindmost
233. Devil Take The Hindmost
234. Devil Take The Hindmost
235. Devil Take The Hindmost
236. Devil Take The Hindmost
237. Devil Take The Hindmost
238. Devil Take The Hindmost
239. Devil Take The Hindmost
240. Devil Take The Hindmost
241. Devil Take The Hindmost
242. Devil Take The Hindmost
243. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
244. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
245. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
246. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
247. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
248. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
249. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
250. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
251. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
252. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
253. Heaven By The Sea (Reprise)
254. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
255. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
256. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
257. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
258. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
259. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
260. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
261. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
262. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
263. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
264. Ladies...Gents! / The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
265. Bathing Beauty
266. Bathing Beauty
267. Bathing Beauty
268. Bathing Beauty
269. Bathing Beauty
270. Bathing Beauty
271. Bathing Beauty
272. Bathing Beauty
273. Bathing Beauty
274. Bathing Beauty
275. Bathing Beauty
276. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
277. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
278. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
279. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
280. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
281. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
282. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
283. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
284. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
285. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
286. "Mother, Did You Watch?"
287. Before The Performance
288. Before The Performance
289. Before The Performance
290. Before The Performance
291. Before The Performance
292. Before The Performance
293. Before The Performance
294. Before The Performance
295. Before The Performance
296. Before The Performance
297. Before The Performance
298. Devil Take The Hindmost
299. Devil Take The Hindmost
300. Devil Take The Hindmost
301. Devil Take The Hindmost
302. Devil Take The Hindmost
303. Devil Take The Hindmost
304. Devil Take The Hindmost
305. Devil Take The Hindmost
306. Devil Take The Hindmost
307. Devil Take The Hindmost
308. Devil Take The Hindmost
309. Love Never Dies
310. Love Never Dies
311. Love Never Dies
312. Love Never Dies
313. Love Never Dies
314. Love Never Dies
315. Love Never Dies
316. Love Never Dies
317. Love Never Dies
318. Love Never Dies
319. Love Never Dies
320. "Ah, Christine!..."
321. "Ah, Christine!..."
322. "Ah, Christine!..."
323. "Ah, Christine!..."
324. "Ah, Christine!..."
325. "Ah, Christine!..."
326. "Ah, Christine!..."
327. "Ah, Christine!..."
328. "Ah, Christine!..."
329. "Ah, Christine!..."
330. "Ah, Christine!..."
331. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
332. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
333. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
334. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
335. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
336. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
337. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
338. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
339. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
340. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
341. "Gustave! Gustave!..."
342. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
343. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
344. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
345. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
346. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
347. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
348. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
349. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
350. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
351. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
352. "Please Miss Giry, I want to go back..."
353. DVD - dokument
354. DVD - dokument
355. DVD - dokument
356. DVD - dokument
357. DVD - dokument
358. Title
359. Title
360. Title
361. Title
362. Title
363. Introduction
364. Introduction
365. Introduction
366. Introduction
367. Introduction
368. Paris To Coney island
369. Paris To Coney island
370. Paris To Coney island
371. Paris To Coney island
372. Paris To Coney island
373. The Story
374. The Story
375. The Story
376. The Story
377. The Story
378. Building The Set
379. Building The Set
380. Building The Set
381. Building The Set
382. Building The Set
383. Recording The Album
384. Recording The Album
385. Recording The Album
386. Recording The Album
387. Recording The Album
388. Worldwide Press Launch
389. Worldwide Press Launch
390. Worldwide Press Launch
391. Worldwide Press Launch
392. Worldwide Press Launch

Andrew Lloyd Webber - Aktuality:

1.3. - Korunovační hymnu pro Karla III. napsal Andrew Lloyd Webber

13.8. - Hudební skladatel ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER se opřel do loňského filmu Cats! „Bylo to směšné,“ přiznal

13.5. - Rebríček najbohatších hudobníkov prekvapil Neuveríte, kto je prvý!

22.3. - Muzikálový mistr slaví sedmdesátku

24.2. - Andrew Lloyd Webber slaví sedmdesátiny kompilací "

24.3. - Jesus Christ Superstar se v Ostravě opravdu vydařil

10.2. - Muzikály nejsou jen pro hvězdy

23.2. - Muzikálový mág chce zachrániť Abbey Road, pomáha aj Facebook

19.10. - Skladbu k najbližšej Eurovízii zloží Andrew Lloyd Webber

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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