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Kód: 38433613


Dodanie trvá 4 týždne.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 21.5.2021
EAN: 6430065587842 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 5

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 119.68 €

01. DISC 1
02. SIDE A
03. Intro &ndash On A Cartrip In Sweden
04. Varied Composition
05. Worms Of Carcass
06. Close The Lid Before I Burn
07. Peltouimari
08. Drown Oneself
09. Suppurating Newborn
10. Grinder
11. Artificial Brutality
12. Continual Sarcasm
13. Pulsating Cerebral Slime
14. Phrenetic Chainsaw Suicide
15. Sudden Impulse
16. Pathologist's Perversitys
17. Priests Fomented In Excrements
18. Gimlet To Urethra
19. Deceiver
20. SIDE B
21. Pulsating Cerebral Slime
22. Pulverized Necrobrains
23. Gripping Slaughter
24. Festering Sore
25. Procreated From Blood
26. Sudden Impulse
27. Unanaesthetic Genitoplasty
28. Fetid Gurgitation
29. Fleshsaw
30. Pathologists Perversitys
31. Priests Fomented In Excrements
32. Charred Limbs
33. Drown Oneself
34. Burbed Rectum
35. Phrenetic Chainsaw Suicide
36. Evisceration
37. Vacant Mind
38. Deceiver
40. DISC 2
41. SIDE C
42. Foetal Mush
43. Paradise Of Steaming Cadavers
44. Entangled In Shreds
45. Mild Stench Of Rot
46. Dismemberment In Trance
47. Cranial Cradle
48. On The Hill Of Desecration
49. Entangled In Shreds (Live)
50. Embodiment Of Morbidity / Fata Morgana
51. Hello, I Love You
52. SIDE D
53. Why Am I I?
54. On The Hill Of Desecration
55. Uranus Falls
56. Aspirations: A) Reflections Of Eternity
57. Apirations: B) First Sunbeams Of The New Beginning
58. No Name
60. DISC 3
61. SIDE E
62. Above The Horizon
63. Importance Of The Dimensionless Mirage
64. Until I Reach The Unattainable
65. There's Only One Sun
66. Written Into The Sky
67. Into The Blue Of The Sky
68. SIDE F
69. Phrenetic Chainsaw Suicide
70. Primitive Mutilation
71. Excriated In Vice
72. Pubo-vesical Filled With Culled
73. Involuntary Faeces Excretion
74. Love Theme From Xysma
75. Pathologists Perversitys
76. Procreated From Blood
77. Festering Sore
78. Pulsating Cerebral Slime
79. I Am Too&hellip
80. St. Jacksons Fire
81. DISC 4
82. SIDE G
83. Above The Horizon
84. Importance Of The Dimensionless Mirage
85. There's Only One Sun
86. Why Am I I?
87. Written Into The Sky
88. SIDE H
89. Varied Composition
90. Procreated From Blood
91. Grinder
92. Close The Lid Before I Burn
93. Suppurating Newborn
94. Pulverized Necrobrains
95. Gripping Slaughter
96. Continual Sarcasm
97. Artificial Brutality
98. ?
99. Drown Oneself
100. Vacant Mind
101. Sudden Impulse
102. Parched Veins
103. Peltouimari
104. ?
105. Pulsating Cerebral Slime
106. Priests Fomented In Excrements
107. Deceiver
109. DISC 5
110. SIDE I
111. There Is Only One Sun
112. Written Into The Sky
113. On The Hill Of Desecration
114. Until I Reach The Unattainable
115. Importance Of Dimensionless Mirage
116. Why Am I I?

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