Slovenčina Čeština
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Kód: 38335274


Dodanie trvá 12 týždňov.

EAN: 0693723307527 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - HEALING:
There is a tremendous amount of diversity on this disc, least of which being the trilingual songs: English, German, and Spanish lyrics. It's an interesting game of "guess the language" because sometimes it's hard to tell which language is being belted out at any given moment. These guys don't take themselves too seriously- there are a few moments of heavy metal "la-la-la-la-las" as well as a glorious (or abhorrent, depends on your point of view) cover of Coolio's 'Gangsta's Paradise'. Any metal band with the balls to cover that song in 2008 deserves props for even daring to try. Give these guys a try- it's a lot of fun and there are several moments of pummeling metal brilliance that will absolutely murder you.

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