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Kód: 38263499


Dodanie trvá 7 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 10.2.2021
EAN: 0889397703226 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 2

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 34.28 €

Format: 180 gram LP + bonus CD of the album. Back in the days when full-length LPs were still considered a luxury item, record labels devised a way to get people to buy them: hire an unknown singer to do a full-length albums worth of cover versions of all the latest hits. People bought these albums because it was an affordable way to amass a collection of the latest hits, and cheaper than buying the original singles. In the late sixties Elton John was one of these "unknown singers" and although the cover albums did not afford him with much creative room (given that by contract he was not allowed to reinterpret any of the covers), they did pay the rent. An interesting glimpse at Elton before he became a pop star.who knows if his mastery of the pop song is not in some small way owed to this early apprenticeship inside the belly of the beast. Track Listing - Side A: 1.Cottonfields (Huddie Leadbetter) 2.Lady DArbanville (Cat Stevens) 3. Natural Sinner (Andy Fairweather-Low) 4. Spirit In The Sky (Norman Greenbaum) 5. Travelin Band (John Fogerty) 6. I Cant Tell The Bottom From The Top (Guy Fletcher/Doug Flett) 7. Good Morning Freedom (Cook/Greenway/Hammond /Hazelwood) 8. Young, Gifted and Black (Nina Simone/Weldon Irving) 9. Sweet honesty (Beverly Martin) Side B: 1. Day Is Done (Nick Drake) 2. Way To Blue (Nick Drake) 3. Time Has Told Me (Nick Drake) 4. In The Summertime (Ray Dorset) 5. Up Around The Bend (John Fogerty) 6. She Sold Me Magic (Lou Christie/Herbert Twyla) 7. Come And Get It (Paul McCartney) 8. Love Of The Common People (John Hurley/Ronnie Wilkins) 9. Signed Sealed Delivered (Wonder/Garrett/Wright/Hardaway) 10. Its All In The Game (Charles Dawes/Carl Sigman) 11. Yellow River (Jeff Christie).

Elton John - Aktuality:

4.9. - Zpěvák Elton John po těžkém zánětu oka špatně vidí, zotavuje se pomalu

8.9. - Chýba vám nejaký? TOTO majú byť TOP životopisné filmy vôbec!

31.7. - Bob Dylan: Jak Timothee Chalamet přesvědčil nedůvěřivce

10.7. - Elton John v obchodě v Nice: Vymočil se do flašky!

13.5. - METALLICA zveřejnila oficiální video svého provedení skladby Eltona Johna

24.4. - „Utajené“ koncerty Eltona Johna v ČSSR. Před 40 lety naštval soudruhy

25.3. - METALLICA zahrála na počest Eltona Johna a Bernieho Taupina cover jejich písně

31.1. - Vyjde kniha o posledním turné Eltona Johna

19.9. - Na novince Rolling Stones hostují i Paul McCartney, Lady Gaga, Elton John a Stevie Wonder

1.8. - ELTON JOHN Na pódiích skončil, vracet se nehodlá

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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