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Kód: 38166996


Dodanie trvá 6 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 18.2.2016
EAN: 8034077059885 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 38.70 €

Popis - LIVE '72 [DELUXE] [VINYL]:
One of many English bands coming to Italy in search of success during the beat-era, The Trip, included a young Ritchie Blackmore in its first line-up, along with founder members Arvid "Wegg" Andersen, Billy Gray and drummer Ian Broad. A line-up change brought two Italians in, keyboard player Joe Vescovi (later the leading figure in the band) and drummer Pino Sinnone. 'Live '72' captures the January 1972 performance at the Piper in Rome, the last concert with the historical line-up. This unpublished document is evidence of the energy and power of one of the best bands in Italy's '70s prog scene. An interview with Joe Vescovi by Athos Enrile is included.

Annie´s Trip - Aktuality:

26.3. - Annie´s Trip, Melodka - Brno

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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