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Kód: 37847753


Dodanie trvá 6 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 3.7.2020
EAN: 4251804120418 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1

Popis - EBECS [VINYL]:
Lennard Poschmann returns to Oliver Hafenbauer's Die Orakel label with an EP under his O-Wells alias. 'Ebecs' showcases the Robert Johnson resident's subtle, distinct approach to Detroit-ish, IDM and ambient-influenced electronic music. Opening track 'Ectid' is a free-floating introduction revealing a glorious acid undercurrent. 'Bbmore' demonstrates a different kind of approach with the same wistful ingredients, unravelling a tightly wound drum structure from the inside. On 'Exolite', the inverse unfolds, as Wells blends experimental textures and introduces stabs of cathartic and deep bass. Introducing the other half of the release, 'Culling Virus' is Wells' take on simmering, paranoid electro. On the pairing of LL0P 1 and LL0P 2, he provides an intermission with two tense locked grooves before concluding the release with the cascading and dense 'Shnuck', a psychedelic transmission of complex layered sound design.

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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