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Kód: 37404538


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Dátum vydania: 27.4.2009
EAN: 0711969113396 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: DVD

Popis - BOCACCIO 70:
'Boccaccio '70' comprises four short films, each directed by a giant of Italian cinema. 'Boccaccio '70' also features some of the most beautiful women to ever grace the screen, unapologetically taking charge of their lives, their loves and their morals, though not always with the happiest of results. The final short, by Vittorio De Sica (Bicycle Thieves), stars the greatest siren in cinema history, Sophia Loren as Zoe, a model selling her body for sex in order to pay her pregnant sisters overdue taxes. But when she falls for a local stable boy, she wants to renege on the deal, desiring to feel true passion without a price for the first time.

Movie - Aktuality:

18.2. - Po prvých sekundách vám budú behať po rozumu: 13 nesmrteľných zneliek, ktoré pozná každý

13.1. - Nominácie na Zlaté maliny sú známe: Favoritom je dráma Päťdesiat odtieňov sivej!

23.6. - Sexica Anna Faris zo Scary Movie sa vydala: Toto telo patrí už len Chrisovi Prattovi!

Nové akcie - FILMY:

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