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Kód: 36260477


Dodanie trvá 12 týždňov.

EAN: 8033254240603 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

"The events of Babel are perhaps a disaster but at the same time - and this is the etymology of the word " disaster " - a rain of stars on mankind. " (George Steiner?s "After Babel " ) The words of the great writer and philosopher Steiner are an opportunity to present the meaning and form of the new VICK FRIDA pop album , their second project. Guests Mario Venuti, John Baglioni, Mauro Ermanno Giovanardi . The recurring theme is perhaps summarized as follows . " The generative character of the destruction and the destruction of the generation " Avveduto optimism in short. Inside there is so much THISASTRO . Is there a cure made of details , and patience . There is a work of passion . There is form . And there is substance. There are reflections daughters of the need that everyone has to give a name to things, to sort and sell himself, his own existence , in a bigger picture . A design that you can see , sense , or at least imagine. The search for an acceptable horizon , enough to make us find the guidance, take a walk .  

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