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Kód: 33790007


Odošleme do 14 dní.

Žáner: Rock
EAN: 0634479837388 (info)
Label: Roller Music Pro
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 3 dodávatelia, od 10.54 €

If you like singing along while you jam out. Then this reggae, rockin, world beatin worship album is filled with the kind of music you'll love to sing to. So, crank it up and let Jesus hear those vocal chords fly! This is Greg's second solo album even though he has thousands of credits on other albums as audio engineer, producer, guitarist, and Janitor. After completing this project we met with Greg with some questions. Q: You have worked on so many projects, how does it compare to working on something of your own creation? A: 'Nothing compares to the feeling of opening the first CD of your very own album. It's an amazing experience. From the process of writing with a guitar, coffee, favorite friends, and The Spirit of God, to the countless hours in the studio, straining to get the most out of every note. like birth pains to a mother the final product is a euphoric experience. I just hope that the listeners enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it.' Q: How did you come up with the title, 'With His Spoken Word' and why? A: 'My step-daughter was diagnosed with a stage four cancerous tumor at age six. After fellow believers stood in prayer. Six months later She heard God call her name three times as healing waves came through her body, healing her of an otherwise nearly certain death. She is fifteen now. If you need healing in your body it is always Gods will to heal you, ALWAYS! His will is the same on Earth as it is in Heaven and no one in Heaven is sick. also, Jesus never refused to heal some one on the basis of teaching them a lesson. Only due to their lack of faith was Jesus ever unable to heal. You must receive your healing, that he already paid for, the same way you received your salvation, He already paid for, by faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Put the Word of God in and faith (trust in Gods abilities to perform His Word) will grow and His power will more greatly manifest in your life bringing Him greater glory and you greater victories.

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