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Kód: 33789142


Odošleme do 14 dní.

Žáner: Jazz
EAN: 7619954036251 (info)
Label: Jhm Records
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 3 dodávatelia, od 14.14 €

Popis - SONG IS YOU:
The jazz quartet 'Horn Knox' present their debute CD with the title 'The song is you'. Over the last four years Klaus Widmer and Michael Beck have been nurturing the idea of this production, letting it slowly grow and ripen, just like the songs, which were born. The new CD has now turned out to be a tour through a gallery of sound pictures, all of which are dedicated to women and consequently carry their names. The group accompany their audience through an acoustic exhibition of unconventional portraits. Well known ladies such as 'Angie' (Rolling Stones), 'Michelle' (Beatles), 'Maria' (Bernstein) are joined by Jeannine (Duke Pearson), Beatrice (Sam Rivers), Chan's song (H. Hancock) or Iris (Wayne Shorter), just to name a few. The theme from 'The song is you', the actual title song of the CD is only now and then suggested, as a motif, when it does not find itself again as fragments in interludes leading on to the next song, as a promenade from one picture to the other. In order to really describe even very different characters, 'Horn Knox' has invited various guests to the studio. The cooperation with Michael Zisman (bandoneon) has lead the band to excel in a quite personal sound aesthetic, which now strongly marks the whole of the CD. Katrin Frauchiger (vocals) has lent her voice to 'Laura', believed to be dead, in this way reviving her. Bernhard Bamert (trombone) and Mats Spillman (trumpet, flugelhorn) are companions of many years of all band members and have helped showing 'Angie' and the title song 'Maria' in a favourable light. They have delivered spots of colour and shades, all of which would be missed enormously if they weren't there. The result comes out complex, playful, groovy, melting together to a whole, filled with atmosphere.

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