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Kód: 33140966


Dodanie trvá 7 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 8.12.2017
Žáner: DANCE
EAN: 0725350999896 (info)
Label: FRESH YO!
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 25.42 €

Popis - SOLCHI:
'Solchi' is a deep search into previous moments in Lorenzo Nada's lifetime, influenced by the presence and power of music. His process began with the recovery of some old cassettes, mixtapes nearly forgotten, audio recording of voices from his childhood, and lots of dusty jazz, soul, and hip-hop records. As the starting point of this travel merge with its end, past and present combine to form GBC's current sound. Warm electronic production rooted by grooving bass lines form the core of a kaleidoscope of sixteen tracks, colored by synthesizers, guitar echoes, scratches, samples, fading voices and kalimba.

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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