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Kód: 32609580


Dodanie trvá 21 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 31.1.2014
Žáner: Rock
EAN: 0859711552229 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 28.10 €

You have to be careful or it will all be explained away. They will use “science” as an excuse for why things are the way they are, but what about those few times when it simply can’t be explained away... When it couldn't possibly make sense, no matter the formulas or calculations. I used to think I knew everything. Now I know for certain, there's so much I will never truly understand. Looking back through my Haunted Memories I sometimes wonder, what do I do with all these dark & sometimes unexplainable circumstances of which no laws of physics could possibly be applied? Well, that's easy... We write a concept album about them! The Final Breath Before November is actually a very true story. I know you won't believe any of it because well... I still doubt it all myself. But, the fact is, it really happened & it happened to me. So sit back in a darkened candle-lit room, put on your best headphones & let me tell you a little ghost story that isn't really a 'story' at all. -- Eric Blackwood And so the journey continues... Or should I say in fact, finds its way back to the beginning? This album (or at least a large part of it) was actually the album that Eric and I had set out to record all that time ago... when we were set up in the mountains above Montreal, around the time of the 2011 Marillion convention. We were working on a version of Silhouette, which I was going to arrange some strings on. I also remember the Longing being played around with at that time. The turning point was when Eric played me an early version of Fracture. We worked on the arrangement and I came up with the end section for it, and before too long we had got on to writing more songs... and the rest as they say is history. In The Last Waking Moments was born. (By the time we looked back on Silhouette, it no longer fit on the album ... either in length or in theme.) So this time round we were in a better place to work on Silhouette, The Longing and a couple of things I had written like 'Where Were You?'. What I mean when I say this is... having written and arranged together before, we knew what our strengths were and what we wanted to do with this album. Again, a combination of existing material and writing on the fly was involved and it is an incredibly fulfilling sense of achievement to finally have it in its finished form. - Pete Trewavas Mixed by - John Mitchell / Jakko Jakszyk / Robin Boult / Pete Trewavas / Mike Hunter Mastered by - Mike Hunter All Artwork & Photograph - Wendy 'Darling' Pastore Edison's Children is - Pete Trewavas (Bass / Guitar / Vox / Programming / Orchestration / Synth) Eric Blackwood (Guitar / Vox / Synth Guitar / Orchestration / Bass) Henry Rogers (Drums) Wendy 'Darling' Pastore (Backing Vox) Special Thanks to Marillion.

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