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Kód: 32567359


Dodanie trvá 8 týždňov.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 25.10.2012
Žáner: ROCK
EAN: 9326425806869 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 19.38 €

Their debut album Super Real marks a coming of age for The DomNicks. Forged by Perth based Dom Mariani and Nick Sheppard, the band is a powerful blend of swagger 'n' roll rock, soul and pop smarts. Mariani is best known as the driving force behind The Stems, DM3 and The Someloves, while Sheppard's pedigree boasts 80's Bristol punks The Cortinas and thereafter as Mick Jones' replacement in the 1983-86 line-up of The Clash. In 2007 the pair teamed up with Howard Shawcross (The Elks, The Riptides) on bass and Marz Frisina on drums, quickly developing into a very 'hang loose' combo. Playing a mix of Dom and Nick's originals with a spread of 60's and 70's garage and soul classics, they are a band of seasoned players punching well above their collective musical weight. Super Real continues in the tradition of The DomNicks' previous recording, Hey Rock 'n' Roller (Off The Hip 2009). Expanding on Hey Rock 'n' Roller's gutsy guitar driven sound, Super Real takes a ride through blues, soul, funk, and classic guitar pop influences to create one seamless musical journey fuelled by the vim and vigour of a noble era. Among the 12 tracks you'll find the Exile era Stones' sound of Reconcile, the brazen brass and swing of Let's Go Baby, soul flavours in I Wonder What You're Doin' Now, the straight ahead rollicking of Miracle and tantalising twists and turns of the electric sitar driven Winter. It's bound to cause the head and heart to shake.

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