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Kód: 32533027


Dodanie trvá 12 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 23.8.2012
Žáner: POP
EAN: 4941135369272 (info)
Label: FLAU
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - MAYMAY -EP-:
MayMay's self-titled E.P. is a collection of 5 songs, written on a tattered lawn chair in the backyard. Laurel Simmons is the songwriter behind MayMay. The project began as an ode to friends and family back home in Flagstaff, Arizona. Over time it has evolved to become a project played, at various times, with several fellow musicians. Among those included are Heather Woods Broderick, Ral Pastor Medall (aka Rauelsson) and Nicholas Archibald Marshall, all dear friendships found in a new place. Recorded during the fall and winter in Portland, Oregon, MayMay's E.P. tells us a history through the sounds of fingerpicked nylon guitars, haunting vocal melodies and beautifully crafted string arrangements. With quietude and warmth, Laurel's compositions flow full of emotivity and a natural sense of restraint. The music of MayMay transports us to a world in which we can dive to the bottom of the sea, ignoring the pressure of the water above us. RIYL: Tara Jane O'Neil, Hearther Woods Broderick, Loch Lomond, L'Altra, Ida.

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