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Kód: 32383135


Dodanie trvá 12 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 9.11.2006
Žáner: DANCE
EAN: 4250117612795 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - PLUS:
The triumvirate that is SONO has been making music together since 2001 and individually a good while longer than that. SONO has since switched from FUEL to ZEITGEIST and carved themselves a niche between the full-on dance sector and a more organically oriented live scene, winning them fans in both camps whilst confusing the hell out of the marketing wizards whose job it is to pigeonhole projects. Equally at home as a sound system behind the decks of a Friday night club gig and up on stage as a fullyfledged live act, SONO have never lost touch with the dance scene, nor have they lost touch with a sizeable following who perceive them as a touring live act that rocks.

01. Future Sun
02. Better
03. Perfect Harmony
04. The Edge
05. Lucky You
06. Talking
07. What You Do
08. Back To Me
09. Fail To Heal
10. Black Cloud
11. Come On
12. Naked
13. Sleeping Beauty
14. Keep Control Plus

SONO - Aktuality:

6.1. - ROZHOVOR | Milan Cimfe (studio SONO): Ke každému projektu a interpretovi přistupujeme se stejnou pokorou, respektem a péčí

25.10. - Kapela Poutníci oslaví padesát let existence koncerty v Praze a Brně

25.10. - The Crimson Marathon představí v Brně i v Praze členy kultovní skupiny King Crimson

8.10. - Lenka Dusilová dokončila album Řeka, vyjde v listopadu

11.4. - Foto: Pipes and pints, the Agony, Bombs from heaven, Sono, 6. 4. 2018

15.4. - Pětadvacátý ročník hudebních cen Anděl zná své výherce

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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