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Kód: 31939766


Dodanie trvá 6 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 13.11.2013
EAN: 0888295008808 (info)
Label: Rps Records
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - SOJOURN:
Jim Gabriel’s musical world exists at the intersection of the ethereal and the intense, in that place where what is felt but not seen becomes real. Woven into the fabric of this world are a fascination with the transcendent and a desire to understand it. Only eight years old when he met his first piano, Jim’s childhood infatuation flourished into a mature love for the instrument’s depth and versatility. His vagabond musical education began in earnest in high school, and continued at various schools including the University of Notre Dame, Manhattan School of Music, Columbia University, the University of Washington (Seattle) and eventually on to Paris. Along the way he acquired degrees, technique, experience, and became accomplished at both organ and piano. He has performed around the world, including in Rome for the late Pope John Paul II. Jim discovered the satisfaction of performing his own improvisations for piano when he recorded a CD to help finance his studies in France. Filling spaces among selections with his own spontaneous inventions, he shaped his aural universe through playing which was passionate, strong and driven, filled with yearning yet suffused with wistful gentleness. With SOJOURN, he revisits that original diversion and gives the listener a window into his musical world.

Peter Gabriel - Aktuality:

15.1. - RECENZE: Peter Gabriel na desce 'i/o' už tolik neobjevuje. Rekapituluje, ale hlavně stále baví

29.11. - AUDIO: Peter Gabriel zveřejnil poslední střípek skládačky svého alba 'i/o', píseň 'Live and Let Live'. Je o odpuštění

1.12. - Každý měsíc kostku lega. Peter Gabriel vydal po 21 letech nové album

6.12. - Nové desky 48/2023 - od Petera Gabriela přes Miku po Lucii Vondráčkovou

21.10. - Peter Gabriel konečně ohlásil datum vydání desky 'i/o'

19.10. - Peter Gabriel vydá po 21 rokoch nový sólový album s názvom I/O

2.9. - VIDEO: Peter Gabriel v dalším měsíčním singlu 'Love Can Heal' věří v sílu lásky

30.8. - VIDEO: Obrazy přesycený klip k písni 'Panopticon' Petera Gabriela pomohla stvořit umělá inteligence

9.7. - AUDIO: Peter Gabriel zpívá v 'So Much' o smrtelnosti

18.5. - Bojíte se umělé inteligence v hudbě? Neil Tennant z Pet Shop Boys a Peter Gabriel ne

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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