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Kód: 31919644


Dodanie trvá 6 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 26.2.2016
Žáner: HVM
EAN: 4260255243256 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 23.72 €

Popis - SARASIN:
The Canadian band SARASIN was originally formed in the 80's when their first EP "Lay down your guns" was released. Only guitarist Greg Boileau remains from the bands original line-up. Long time bass player and other founding member Rob Grant died after a battle with cancer in 2012, the new SARASIN album is dedicated to him. The band convinces with heavy riffs and deep feelings. Check out the songs "The Hammer" and "Soul in Vain" to get an impression. Vocalist Michael Wilson is sometimes reminiscent to OZZY OSBOURNE which is to the bands advantage. Fine melodic songs with great choruses will convince old and new fans of classic Heavy Metal!

01. The Hammer
02. Enemy Within
03. In Our Image
04. Now
05. Soul in Vain
06. Sinkhole
07. Live to See the Glory
08. Forevermore
09. Wake Up

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