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Kód: 31917693


Odošleme do 10 dní.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 12.2.2016
Žáner: METAL
EAN: 0822603137415 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 2

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 79.18 €

ROTTING CHRIST have stood the test of time. 'Rituals' is an album that has obviously been written by veterans. The Greek legends inject a 27-year career, 12 albums, and more than 1.200 shows into their songwriting. With confidence and skills derived from experience, each song represents its own sonic universe. Guitarist / vocalist Sakis Tolis and brother Themis on drums achieve a perfect balance of amalgamating their classic and unique style of riffing and rhythm with exciting new elements sprinkled in to keep their material exciting and fresh. Carefully chosen guests are being added for better effect, not name dropping such as the spoken words of Nick Holmes (PARADISE LOST) on "A Voice Like Thunder" or SAMAEL's Vorph mesmerizingly quoting from Charles Baudelaire's "Les Fleurs Du Mal" throughout the song "Les Litanies De Satan". Goosebumps moments such as these are liberally sprinkled throughout the record, which manages the feat to sound rock solid and made out of one heavy piece as well as diverse and far ranging at the same time. The experienced is enhanced by Jens Bogren's equally clear and transparent yet also massive as well as sombre mix and mastering at his widely renowned Fascination Street Studios (AMORPHIS, BORKNAGAR, MOONSPELL, DEVIN TOWNSEND, and many more).

01. In Nomine Dei Nostri
02. Ze Nigmar
03. Elthe Kyrie
04. Apage Satana
05. Les Litanies De Satan
06. For A Voice Like Thunder
07. Konx Om Pax
08. Devadevam
09. Tou Thanatou
10. The Four Horsemen
11. Lok'tar Ogar [bonus track]

Rotting Christ - Aktuality:

5.8. - Nesvatá trojice Behemoth, Satyricon a Rotting Christ sežehne příští rok v dubnu O2 universum

6.7. - NAžIVO: Metalová smršť pod širým nebem aneb Ohlédnutí za Basinfirefestem očima a ušima našeho fotografa

13.5. - Basinfire 2024: Kultovní desky na BFF

27.2. - Basinfire hlásí dalšího headlinera, přidává se i řecký black/death a orchestrální death z Itálie

22.1. - ROTTING CHRIST ohlašují nové album, kterým poctí bojovníky proti příchodu křesťanství

22.1. - ROTTING CHRIST vydají album, kterým poctí bojovníky proti příchodu křesťanství

21.12. - Kristus zahnívá i v adventu – ROTTING CHRIST servírují nečekané EP

16.12. - Sever spolu s jihem – INSOMNIUM sdílejí skladbu nahranou se Sakisem z ROTTING CHRIST

22.10. - Sakis Tolis z ROTTING CHRIST se dál osamostatňuje

10.7. - RECENZE: Publikace 'Masterpices 2019' přináší další porci toho nejlepšího z metalové grafiky

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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