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Kód: 31611961


Dodanie trvá 6 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 3.5.2011
Žáner: FOLK
EAN: 8031274007589 (info)
Label: LUCKY
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - MUJURA:
Debut Album for Mujura (aka Stefano Simonetta), musician and songwriter from Calabria who has a long experience alongside Eugene Jackson who strongly supported this debut recording project and produced it with Taranta Power. The disc Mujura, mixed by JD Foster (Calexico, Marc Ribot, Capossela) marks a new direction in the size of the Italian singer-songwriter and folk. Eleven songs that tell in words and music, in song form, a blend of different worlds. There are elements borrowed from folk music of Calabria, in the use of traditional instruments (swing guitar, tambourine), tongue (a Calabrian sought at times difficult but chosen with careful research on the part of his musical and rhythmic sound) and rhythms, living together with elements of contemporary folk rock music.  

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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