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Kód: 30089361


Dodanie trvá 14 týždňov.

Žáner: Rock
EAN: 0884501983310 (info)
Label: Matt Young
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 3 dodávatelia, od 14.14 €

Popis - PENFOLD:
This record was recorded at SkiesFall Studios in Kenosha Wisconssin. Produced by Nick Rad former guitarist of Hangnail signed with toothandnail records. Matt Young brought his work to this studio knowing the artists and producers at SkiesFall could bring his art to a new level. The creativity between everyone involved in the recording process was magical. This record featured studio artists and producers such as, Nick Rad, Christian Seibert, Naomi Marie and Steven Servi. So if you're into Christian and uplifting pop/punk artists than I encourage you to check this album out!

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