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Kód: 29439698


Dodanie trvá 12 týždňov.
Kuriér zadarmo

Dátum vydania: 15.11.2014
Žáner: METAL
EAN: 4024572732769 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1

V ponuke: 3 dodávatelia, od 57.58 €

2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the release of The Ocean's highly acclaimed "Fluxion" album. On this occasion, Pelagic Records brings you a vinyl re-release of the album, which includes both the 2004 original version and the 2009 reissue, on 3 piece of vinyl. "Fluxion" and "Aeolian" were recorded in the same session in 2004 and 2005, but initially released separately, and only on CD. 3 pressings of the later combined vinyl release of "Fluxion" and "Aeolian" (with different artwork) already sold out, the last one in 2009. This re-release of "Fluxion" comes with the artwork of the 2009 version. 3 LPs in a gatefold sleeve with silver hot foil stamping / engraving. Printed inner sleeves. 3 different vinyl color styles available. Includes download codes for both versions, as well as a (previously unreleased) mastered instrumental version of the album. The Ocean's past two years of existence have been some of the most exhilarating in their eleven year history. The band completed tours in North America and Europe, as is common for many bands, but they added Russia, including Siberia, as well as China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, and Australia to the collage of stamps in their passports. OPETH, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME and DEVIN TOWNSEND are only some of the bands that The Ocean have supported on tour during their campaign to promote Heliocentric and Anthropocentric, and bands like RED FANG, INTRONAUT or KYLESA have supported The Ocean. The band's tireless efforts and the experience of more than 1000 concerts across the globe have afforded them one of the most truly worldwide fan bases in heavy music.

01. SIDE A (2004 original version) + SIDE D (2009 re-issue)
02. Nazca
03. The Human Stain T
04. Comfort Zones
05. Fluxion
06. SIDE B (2004 original version) + SIDE E (2009 re-issue)
07. Equinox
08. Loopholes s
09. Dead On The Whole
10. Isla Del Sol
11. SIDE C (2004 original version) + SIDE F (2009 re-issue)
12. The Greatest Bane

Oceán - Aktuality:

16.9. - Členové Janes Addiction se poprali na pódiu, koncert kapela nedokončila

10.9. - Zažijte s NIGHTWISH dobrodružnou plavbu po oceánu v devíti minutách nového singlu

10.9. - Zažijte s NIGHTWISH dobrodružnou plavbu oceánem emocí v devíti minutách nového singlu

21.7. - VIDEO: Chris Corner z IAMX si k silné písni The Ocean pozval zpěvačku Hafdís Huld, aby zazpívala v rodné islandštině

30.6. - Oceán a Helmutova Stříkačka 14. 6. 2024, Praha, Rock Café

7.6. - Pátý ročník brněnského Mersey Gatheringu láká na Micka Harveyho, Precedens či Oceán

4.2. - Lana Del Rey na letošek plánuje vydání alba 'Lasso'. A bude to country!

27.5. - AUDIO: Lana Del Rey překvapila fanoušky předělanou verzí nevydané skladby 'Say Yes to Heaven'

1.5. - LANA DEL REY Zapečetěný tunel plný vášně, vztahů a bludných rodinných kořenů

26.4. - Zlomený Frank Ocean

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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