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Kód: 29433668


Dodanie trvá 8 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 14.5.2010
Žáner: METAL
EAN: 5021449219124 (info)
Label: I HATE
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 16.10 €

Popis - WITNESS:
'Witness' is Jex Thoth's fourth release following the 'Totem' EP. All releases have received an overwhelmingly positive reception from both fans and press alike. This MCD contains three new songs -- two original compositions and a cover song that fluidly flow into 15 minutes of mellow psychedelia and proto-doom metal with influences stemming from the 60s and 70s. 'Witness' is perhaps less guitar oriented than before with the mood becoming more melancholy in the process; the music is heavy yet laid back and openly nostalgic without being sentimental or trite. The band's biggest strengths are the haunting vocals of Jex and avoiding the usual trap of carbon copying its predecessors. As such this MCD should appeal fans of pastoral, psychedelic rock/metal with a firm footing in the past but not necessarily dwelling there. The cover song 'Mr. Rainbow' was originally conceived by 70s avant-pop ensemble Slapp Happy. Artwork is courtesy of Sami Hynninen (Reverend Bizarre, The Puritan, Opium Warlords, Spiritus Mortis, etc).

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