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Kód: 29429211


Dodanie trvá 15 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 25.9.2009
Žáner: ROCK
EAN: 7320470114810 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

V ponuke: 2 dodávatelia, od 28.46 €

Popis - VON BENZO:
Von Benzo was formed in 2005 in Helsingborg, Sweden. Their vision was to play rock n?roll without compromises. The 4 members; Jay, Nicke, Magnus and Attila have since the beginning earned a growing fanbase. Von Benzo have won the SAMI/Roland Music Awards in Stockholm and have played at the Sweden Rock festival. They also got the price; Best Swedish band from GIBSON/Luthman. Von Benzo have been support act to Backyard Babies, Mustasch, The Sounds, Lillasyster, Takida, Hardcore Superstar to name a few. And the results have been amazing. Both magazines and the audience loves it! Songs like ?I?m on my way?, ?MTV Killed rock n roll?, ?Black eyes on a Saturday night?, ?I don?t give a good god damn?, ?Medicine? and the ballad ?Die Beautiful? is always giving you a reason to push the repeat button on your player.

01. And the dead said no Let myself go Poison Sad dead me I?m on my way I don?t give a good god damn Bad father
02. Bad son Aint it December Black eyes on a Saturday night MTV Killed rock n roll Medicine Die Beautiful Move to Detroit Jona Song Demolition man

Nové akcie - HUDBA:

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