2017. Despite his status as a key figure in the history of Japanese ambient music, Hiroshi Yoshimura remains tragically under-known outside of his home country. Home recorded on a minimal setup of keyboard and Fende..
2023. First-ever official reissue of the pioneering 1986 ambient work. Produced in full cooperation with Hiroshi Yoshimura's estate. Includes new liner notes by original album producer Hiroyoshi Shiokawa and Yoshimu..
2022. This is a very serene, almost entracing record that seems to inhabit its very own space, between "classical" ambient music (Eno, Budd), "systems music" (Reich, Glass, Riley, Hassell), Japan..
2023. Credit Electric's 2023 album draws on lo-fi jazz, dub, post-rock, ambient music, '70s studio experimentation and '90s indie rock as much as the rustic folk of the band's past releases. The members of Credit El..