1967. - liturgie/schoepfung/erleuchtung und berufung,teil i: versammlung,teil ii: bekenntnis,teil iii: die aussendung/nehmet hin und esset/,besuch aus dem kosmos
2018. A fantastic release of 1971 live recordings by the famous German kraut-/acid-folk duo with Cosmic Jokers connection. This gig draws on material from the third album, 'Der Jesuspils', which was written as a ..
2018. A fantastic release of 1971 live recordings by the famous German kraut-/acid-folk duo with Cosmic Jokers connection. This gig draws on material from the third album, 'Der Jesuspils', which was written as a res..
2000. Released under Bernd Witthuser's name, this was actually the first collaborative effort with his partner in-crime Walter Westrupp (their infamous "W&Ws Pop-Cabaret"). An enchanting collection of ..