2022. 'A Swollen River, A Well Overflowing' is Tenci's second album, coming after their 2020 debut 'My Heart Is An Open Field', which introduced Jess Shoman's music explorations to the world. Shoman admits that thei..
2023. 'A Swollen River, A Well Overflowing' is Tenci's second album, coming after their 2020 debut 'My Heart Is An Open Field', which introduced Jess Shoman's music explorations to the world. Shoman admits that thei..
2014. Špičková lékařka a inženýrka Dr. Ryan Stoneová (držitelka Oscara® Sandra Bullock) se vydává na svoji první vesmírnou misi, přičemž společnost jí dělá zkušený astronaut Matt Kowalski (držitel Oscara® George Clo..