2013. Here's the first new album release in 25 years from Australia's Sheriff Lindo, dubmaster of the Southern Hemisphere. His 'Ten Dubs That Shook The World', released in 1988, has been growing in stature since its..
2013. Here's the first new album release in 25 years from Australia's Sheriff Lindo, dubmaster of the Southern Hemisphere. His 'Ten Dubs That Shook The World', released in 1988, has been growing in stature since its..
2007. Závan exotiky latinsko-amerických rytmov v španielčine Vám ponúkne z novej dosky s názvom Bésme mucho speváčka a tanečnica La Rubia. Na hudobný trh hudobná spoločnosť MUSICA s.r.o. priniesla už druhý album tej..