2014. - comet's figure head,rim of schiaparelli,pilots of the ether belt,deep space cruiser,outland,spiral star date,mars mission counter,astrophobia,tharsis maneuver,dies martis
2015. - game of thrones,decrepit sperm,flaxen hair,dogs on a plane,opening,bach at work,grumpy breakfast,small questions,politicians,the snail,bayside apartments,death star recital,hawking,daleks sing g &..
2021. 'Destiny' is the debut work of the band Shiningstar and the beginning of its long creative journey. The literal meaning of the title is that fate intervened in the lives of musicians and directed them towards ..
2003. nEW fREQUENCIES is a new studio project of Robert Schroeder, that, exactly like his D.MO publications, is a planned release as a series. The German musician occupies, since the 80's, nationally and internation..