2011. Biologická evoluce není "pouhou teorií", ale skutečností. Probíhá po miliardy let a vedla ke vzniku tolika podivuhodných životních forem, že si zaslouží označení za největší show na Zemi; a toto velkolepé před..
2015. Prvni dil autobiografie nejznamejsiho svetoveho biologa, skeptika a ateisty nabizi blizsi pohled na autoruv rany zivot, na intelektualni probuzeni, ktereho se mu dostalo v Oxfordu, a cestu, ktera jej vedla ..
2010. Back then in the mid/late nineties, the Coolies punk/rock'n'roll/punk was inspired, it must be pointed out, by nobody...nobody at all. Nonetheless, their signature was a sweet and swinging rah-rah sound (a rah..
2010. Back then in the mid/late nineties, the Coolies punk/rock'n'roll/punk was inspired, it must be pointed out, by nobody...nobody at all. Nonetheless, their signature was a sweet and swinging rah-rah sound (a rah..
2016. - shudder before the beautiful,yours is an empty hope,ever dream,storytime,my walden,while your lips are still red,elan,weak fantasy,7 days to the wolves,alpenglow,the poet and the pendulum,nemo,i w..