2013. Though the relationship was short and volatile, Van Morrison's post-Them tenure with Bert Bern's Bang Records produced what probably remains his most well known tune in "Brown Eyed Girl" as well as o..
2014. - ich rolle mit meim besten,seele,1999 pt. Ii,lass die affen aus'm zoo,anna kournikova,engel im herz, teufel im kopf,1999 pt. Iii,ihr hurensohne,schmeiss den gasherd an,saudi a..
2013. - malas noticias,buenos aires rock'n'rolle,maneras de vivir (directo),la noche se muere (directo),el afilador (remasterd 2013),el ultimo metro (directo),vispera de todos los santos,palabras para jul..
2023. Predtým, ako sa Cyndi Lauper stala ikonoklastickou speváčkou, ktorá spôsobila revolúciu v úlohe žien v rock & rolle počas 80. rokov, stála na čele Blue Angel..