1991. Frank Carillo Biography Frank Carillo is the epitome of the 'musician's musician.' Throughout his career, his craftsmanship as a gifted world-class guitar player, electrifying stage performances, memorable ..
2007. Pop-psych from norman petty vaults. With bands like the frantics, hooterville trolley, group axis, butter rebellion, intricate blend, apple-glass cyndrom and the cords, how can you go wro..
2015. Neil Harbus first and only album was released by Norman Petty's Evolution Records in 1973. All the tracks were composed by Neil and combine folk, s-sw and country rock vibes. First release on CD.
1985. A New Mexican (USA) by birth and Tucsonan by choice, John Coinman was inspired by a dusty West Texas town to become a musician. 'We were driving from Tucson back to Clayton,' recalls Coinman, of an early road ..
2017. Danny Adler, in common with most of his musical colleagues, shares a lifelong dream to record in the studios where some of his favourite records originated. There is something inspiring about inhabiting the sa..