2015. - the musicians play their instruments. . . ,it's not working,child (father),jack it up,the circus of machines i (overture),russian roulette,change the world,the sky..
2017. - all the money in the world (rome 1973),to be a getty,the minotaur,we are kidnappers,paparazzi,hadrian's villa,how much would you pay?,learn a lesson,all the money in the world (getty arrivals),the..
2023. The soundscape from 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' comes now on vinyl. Composer Daniel Pemberton returns to expand upon the Spider-Verse's iconic, multi-versal soundscape with a genre-defying score that..
2022. Enola Holmes 2 je mysteriózny film založený na rovnomennom fiktívnom seriáli pre mladých dospelých od Nancy Springer. Slúži ako pokračovanie filmu Enola Holmes ..
2023. The Bad Guys je celovečerný animovaný film z roku 2022 od spoločnosti DreamWorks Animation.Soundtrack zložil Daniel Pemberton, ktorý je známy tým, že robil hudbu k filmu Spid..