2010. Nescio znamena po latinsky "neviem". Za tymto pseudonymom sa do roku 1933 skryval amsterdamsky uctovnik a spisovatel Jan Hendrik Frederik Gronloh (1882-1961), syn drobneho kramara, milovnik mestskeho zivota no..
2014. - a touch of henry moore,unpleasant surprise,vermillion pencil,sprintime coming soon,tons of ink,jardon d'hiver,nescio,walls have ears,spirits awake,walter and conny,the cold eye,shadow of a doubt,i..
2017. 'Menetekel', named after a book by Dutch writer Nescio, is an intriguing work by Einstürzende Neubauten's Alexander Hacke and The Space Cowboys' Danielle de Picciotto. This DOUBLE-LP edition comes with ..
2017. 'Menetekel', named after a book by Dutch writer Nescio, is an intriguing work by Einsturzende Neubauten's Alexander Hacke and The Space Cowboys' Danielle de Picciotto.
2018. obsah: CD 1: Znam ja jeden krasny zamek - Zkaza rodu Smirickych - Prosty, laskavy, dobromyslny, bezprikladne stedry a prislovecne zbozny - Pripravne prace k vyhazovani z okna - Z okna ven! - Praha, defenestra..