2018. Released in September 1978, a mere two months before YMO's debut, 'Cochin Moon' is a clear precursor to the groundbreaking synth and sequencer-dominated sounds that would come to define the iconic trio. Credit..
2022. 'Edo' is a cosmic ambient experimental masterpiece conceived in 1977 by Masashi Komatsubara and developed alongside with Hideki Matsutake (a.k.a. Logic System and reductively defined by many as the "fourt..
2023. Repress on opaque yellow vinyl. Released in September 1978, a mere two months before YMO's debut, 'Cochin Moon' is a clear precursor to the groundbreaking synth and sequencer-dominated sounds that would come t..
2018. Released in September 1978, a mere two months before YMO's debut, 'Cochin Moon' is a clear precursor to the groundbreaking synth and sequencer-dominated sounds that would come to define the iconic trio. Credit..