2022. Hra podle slavného románu Kena Keseyho Vyhoďme ho z kola ven. Příběh známý z filmu režiséra Miloše Formana z roku 1975, ověnčeného pěti Oscary. Před &sca..
2022. Repress on blue vinyl. Ken Kesey's ultra rare 1966 studio recording of the 'Acid Test' with The Grateful Dead. This is a legendary documentation of the 1965-'66 Bay Area Acid Test scene, selected from 14 hours..
2012. Usa, 2011, 107 min. English spoken with dutch subtitles. A freewheeling portrait of ken kesey and the merry pranksters' fabled road trip across america. Featuring ne..
2012. Limited 100 copies coloured vinyl. Already well known for their musical anachronism the band ,Polytoximane Philharmonie had another go at climbing up the ladder to the Underground.Their female singer H.M.Fishl..
2012. Limnited 400 copies black vinyl. Already well known for their musical anachronism the band ,Polytoximane Philharmonie had another go at climbing up the ladder to the Underground.Their female singer H.M.Fishli ..
2012. Already well known for their musical anachronism the band ,Polytoximane Philharmonie had another go at climbing up the ladder to the Underground.Their female singer H.M.Fishli met once the Austrian female sing..