2011. 3 Sonic Architectures. Each Sonic Architecture consists of two compositions. Each composition can be played separately. From the moment they are played together and allowed to resonate via 2 CD players and 4 a..
2011. Leen de Broekert present his own Van Vulpen organ in the Abbey in Middelburg with adventurous music. With music by Buxtehude, Böhm, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn and Boëly. Included on this CD: Aria: La Capricci..
1975. - immerseel, jos van - la notte (1866),istomin, sergei - schlummerlied im grabe (1874),immerseel, jos van - wiegenlied (1881),istomin, sergei - zweite elegie,immerseel, jos van - truebe wolken (1881..