2019. 'Live Without Fear' is an album of humble purity and peaceful spiritual jazz vibes that lives up to the hype. This album sees a re-release after 40 years. Remastered and including liner notes from Chicago musi..
2008. John M. Peters, Music Watch #11 (Great Britain) Moods is a superb album and a showcase for non-American jazz, and is rapidly becoming one of my albums of the year...... ......One seldom equates Austria with ha..
2011. Crossing the evening urban streets, you walk through dazzling neon signs. Late Night Lounge embraces Lounge, Nu-Jazz, Down-Tempo, Soul and Funk music to depict the sexiest and the most beautiful night for you..
1978. With the musician and producer DANIEL TRIGGER we have found another good nominee for our sub-label Pure Rock Records., which has been very creative in the music-business within the last 15 years. At first thre..
2017. Music like everything, is energy. Listening to a piece of music attunes one to the energy which that music embodies. Lullabies soothe us, Rap music revs us up, the Waltz swirls around us. By listening to each..
2016. “Celebratin’ Good Dayze” is a collection of my musical ideas and a reflection of my eclectic identity. The variety of influences reflected in the genres are the result of my love for the infinite ways in which..