1982. Legendární irská skupina Pogues byla založena v roce 1982, letos tedy slaví 30 let! Časopis Q označil The Pogues jako jednu z "50 skupin, které musíte vidět, než zemřete". Nyní máte alespoń přeneseně příležito..
2021. Dialect's 'Under~Between' unfolds with the hopeful energy of seedlings springing forth from soft sonic earth. As the project of Liverpool-based artist Andrew PM Hunt, Dialect's cross-pollination of acoustic an..
1990. The Global series moves on to its second edition following on from the hugely successful Global Trance - Ireland (Mixed by Gary Maguire), this time focusing on the UK and mixed by one of the most exciting acts..
2019. Kovboj Woody vždycky dobře věděl, co je smyslem jeho života. A tím bylo starat se a chránit jeho dítě, ať už to byl chlapeček Andy nebo holčička Bonnie. Když však Bonnie přinese do ..
2021. 'First Seance' is the debut album by Land Trance, a collaboration between Liverpool-based experimental musicians Andrew P.M Hunt and Benjamin D. Duvall. Using zither, drum machine, music box, dictaphone, synth..
2023. 'Advanced Myth' is the lucid debut album from Dialect, the long standing project of British composer, multi-instrumentalist, and field recordist Andrew PM Hunt. An enchanted exploration of unusual source synth..
2021. Dialect's 'Under~Between' unfolds with the hopeful energy of seedlings springing forth from soft earth. The longstanding project of Liverpool-based artist Andrew PM Hunt, Dialect's cross-pollination of acousti..